2015 års nyheter
( för andra år, klicka i menyn!)
WOW!! What a year!!! 2015!!!
Baqiir ended as topwinning sloughi with superior point!!
Baqilah 3 best bitch
Chaandra 5 best bitch with only 2 official show
It ended with winner show in both Stockholm & Amsterdam!
12 dec -15 Saturday SKK INT Nordic Winner Show
BOB Ghazoot Baqiir NordW-15 CACIB Cruft´s qualification
BOS Ghazoot Baqilah NordW-15 CACIB Cruft´s qualification
BF-2 Ghazoot Chaandra CC NordJW-15 Cruft´s qualification
Photo Stefan Rose
Photo: Ingela Näslund
Photo: Ingela Näslund
Judge: Dorota Witkowska, Polen
Baqiirs handler: Annica Lundqvist-Hemström
13 dec-15 Amsterdam Winner Show
Ghazoot Chazzin Amsterdam Junior Winner
Judge: Angelica Kammerscheid-Lammers, Germany 
5 dec- Germany
Ghazoot Chiimara Youth BOB and best female and BOB
Ghazoot Chazzin, 10,5 month 2015-10-16 & 17
We did:
Crufts Qualification under jugde Gabriele Schröter, Germany

Second day at the German Bundessieger Show our Chazzin got the title ” Herbst Jugend Sieger” and
Junior Best of Breed under judge Mrs Lee-Grevelt (NL)
In only 3 shows Ghazoot Chazzin finished the
German Junior Winner DWZRV and German Junior Winner VDH!!!
Thanks Kristina for the beautiful pic!!
Once again! Great weekend for Team Ghazoot!
Saturday: Germany Am Samstag 2015-09-12
Ghazoot Chazzin
V1, Junior CAC, regional youth winner BW 2015 Junior BOB and BM
(9 month young !)
(Best male & country Youth winner )
Ghazoot Chiimara V1, JuniorCAC, regional youth winner BW 2015
BOS Ghazoot Chazzin & BOB Malala Schuru-esch-Schams (I think?)
then they won best brace class!
Huge congrats to the owner!!
State Youth winner BW 2015 both Chazzin & Chiimara

Judge: Richterin Frau Marion Marpe/D
Högbo Bruk SKK Int. 2015-09-13
Photo: Tiia Kaitala
Ch WW-14 C.I.B. Ghazoot Baqiir BOB
Ghazoot Chaandra BOS CC on her first official show
Ch Harani El Nadiya de La Beroniere bb-2 CACIB
Judge: Markku Mähönen
European Winner Show 2015 Lillestrom Norway
Ch Ghazoot Baqiir BOB EuW-15 CACIB
Ghazoot Chaami BOS CAC Junior EuW-15 (On her first official show!!!!)
Ch Ghazoot Baqilah bf-2 CACIB EuW-15
Kennel Ghazoot best breeders group!
Photo: Kirsti Hovden (I`m still in chock on photo!!!!)
Judge: Björg Foss No
What a day!!!

Saturday, 15.08.29. Bad Homburg
Ghazoot Chiimara have a great weekend!:
Mr. Brixhe vvsp1 and youngster BOB
Sunday 08.30 JAS in Haan-Hochdahl
Mr. Buitenkamp vvsp1 and youngster BOB + youngster BIS-1!!!!

Thanks to Marcus Arndt and Daniele Rudat for photos
Strömsholm SvVK (”Skokloster”) summer show 2015
All breed winner:
Ch Ghazoot Baqiir BOB & BIS-3 (GRAINS)
Photo: Kalle Näslund
Ch Tillieville Wassadou BOS
Ghazoot Chaandra BOB & BIS-1 Puppy!! (GRAINS)
Baqiir BIS-3 (GRAINS)
Sighthound special ”Skokloster” SvVK Summer show 2015
Judge: Tanya Ahlman-Stockmari, Fin
Ch Ghazoot Baqiir BOB & Ch Ghazoot Baqilah BOS
Ghazoot Chaandra BOB & BIS-4 Puppy
Photo Susanne Johansson
Photo Ingela Näslund
2015-07-19 Köping SKK Int all breed show
Ch Ghazoot Baqiir BOB
Ch Ghazoot Baqilah BOS
Ghazoot Chaami BOB puppie
2015-07-06 SKK Nat. All breed show Alfta
Judge: Tuula Savolainen
WW-14 SE uch NO uch FIN uch NORD uch INT uch
SE W-14 No V-12 Nord V-11 -13 FIN V-13 Helsingfors V-13
Ghazoot Baqiir
SE uch NO uch FIN uch NORD uch C.I.B. No V-11 No V-12 Nord
V-11 SE V-11 Helsingfors V-13 Finsk V-13
Ghazoot Baqilah
Ghazoot Chaandra BOB Youngster & BIS-4 Youngster

2015-07-05 Darmstadt Germany
Ghazoot Chiimara BOB Youngster & BIS-1 Youngster!!!
Congrats to owner Uschi Bellendir

C.I.B NORDCH NOCH PLCH EECH SV-12 KBHV-13 FCI Euro Sighthound Show Winner -12 Polish Club Winner -12 Dounaueschingen Dual Winner -13
Ghazoot Bashshar
Won and got his qualifying CAC for SE LURE COURSING CHAMPION!!
Congrats to owner Ullis Sundell
Ausstellung in Stendal, Germany 15-06-28
Judge Fr. R. Bennermann, DE
Ghazoot Chazzin BOB Puppy

Frankfurt 2015-06-13
Ghazoot Chiimara BOB Yuongster Judge: Jarmo Vourinen

Vännäs SvVk
CIB EECH NOUCH NORDUCH PLCH SEV-12 Ghazoot Bashshar BOB & his daughter Tillieville Vestal Violletta BOS & CC Judge: Henrik Härling
Photo Kalle Näslund

Österbybruk 2015-05-29 SKK Int.
Judge Svante Frisk
Ghazoot Baqiir BOB & Ghazoot Baqilah BOS
Thanks for handler help, Marie Gellerstam
WW-14 SE Uch NO Uch FIN Uch NORD Uch C.I.B.*
SE W-14 No V-12 Nord V-11 -13 FIN V-13 Helsingfors V-13