News 2024

2024-06-16 Leksand Nat all breeddogshow

Judge: Pietro Bottagisio, Italy
Shades of Sand Amaya BOB, CC, Exc and swedish CHAMPION!!!!
First show for her this year!!

Her critics:
2 years old Fantastic strong teeth scissorbite. Lovley bitch, typical head,
Excellent headproportions, Excellent earset, ears could be just little smaller
Slinghtly deep in skull
Wonderful expression Good reach of neck
Excellent bodyproportions, Excellent hipbone
Good dept of chest Correct front and reangulations
Excellent bone and feet Stands perfectly
Wonderful presentation Supercharacter
Moves to perfection with such easy, saple?? springy and groundcovering movement
Excellent example for the breed! CHAMPION today!!!

The absolute worst start to the year….

My heart is broken

My sweet little baby girl is gone!

💔💔 Neva 💔💔

11/12-23 – 19/1-24

only 5 1/2 weeks old

She had an open esophagus and threw up all the food, first only sometimes, but then every time.
There is nothing to do, no operations, no medicin…
🩷  Hope she run together with other lovley puppies in heaven! 🩷